
- Engagement or focus?

“It really doesn’t matter what you think . . . what matters is what your employees believe.”

Gallup data shows that engagement hits an 11-year low – with 4.8 million fewer employees who are engaged... marking the lowest reported level of engagement since 2013.1 Engagement is a buzz word, but the data seems to only get worse over time.

How leaders Focus Engagement is one of the 3 Interdependent Skillsets needed to create the conditions for buy-in. Measuring engagement alone is insufficient! The real question is how well are employees engaged around a clear focused? It is fully a function of leaders who create the right Experiences, and has a powerful effect on shaping needed Opinions.

TEAMALIGN process includes a simple assessment designed to determine a team member’s level of engagement, and what to do to increase their engagement.

You may assume your employees are on board, however this fresh, new approach to focused engagement provides leaders with tools to identify the counterfeit of engagement, and to coach up an employee’s true level of engagement to Targeted Results.

Focused Engagement is one of the 3 Interdependent Skillsets - and when coupled with with Demonstrate Accountability and Invite Feedback, each leader can align employee’s discretionary decision making. Leader’s capacity can be elevated from being a good manager to an outstanding individual people leader that can align & mobilize a high performing team.

Leaders don't just change their thought process - what they do is engage directs differently.

The truth is that employee disengagement is a leadership issue, not an employee issue.

As a Stand-alone Training Approach:

  • Consultation

  • Prework

  • Workshop

  • Implementation Plan

  • Coaching

  • Execution

(A conditional option.)

Our approach is flexible, and this process can be applied to individual leaders, team leadership, business unit, department, division or entire organization.