Demonstrate Accountability
- Accountability is something you can’t give.
“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the results.”
- Bob Proctor
Of the 3 Interdependent Skillsets, the anchor of the TEAMALIGN process, is Demonstrate Accountability. Getting this right creates a powerful Experience, shaping needed Opinions and Behaviors that directly impact Targeted Results. How do you deal with missed expectations, poor performance or non-performance?
Untangling this topic is crucial if leaders are to get accountability right. It’s not so much about externalizing - how to "hold others accountable" - it’s about fostering the conditions for people to take accountability.
Getting accountability right REALLY matters!
Ironically, everyone would agree that accountability is vital to an organization, however studies say:
- 84% of the workforce describes itself as “trying but failing”, or “avoiding” accountability, and 80% of people see accountability as punishing.1
- 91% of respondents rank improving the ability to hold others accountable in an effective way as one of the top leadership development needs of their organization.2
TEAMALIGN‘s approach to accountability includes 6 Behavioral Standards.
Establish behavioral norms and their opposites for how individuals and teams work together, including:
Accept Responsibility - Blaming Others
Take Ownership - Making Excuses
Actively Engage - Minimally Engaged
Embrace Reality - Denying Reality
Disclose Transparently - Spinning Information
Show Initiative - Acting as a Victim
Demonstrate Accountability is one of the 3 Interdependent Skillsets - and when coupled with with Invite Feedback and Focused Engagement, each leader’s can align how employees make decisions. Leader’s capacity can be elevated from being a good manager to an outstanding individual people leader that can align & mobilize a high performing team.
Leaders don’t just change their thought process - what they do is different as they establish the kind of accountability that engages people.
As a Stand-alone Training Approach
Implementation Plan
(A conditional option.)
Our approach is flexible, and this process can be applied to individual leaders, team leadership, business unit, department, division or entire organization.